Wednesday, March 19, 2014

She Did It

This post is a two-fold praise. Hooray!

1) Last night, for only the second time in Irina Smith history (which is 117 days), Irina slept in her bed in her room by herself ALL night! Thankfully, her night time fears have been much more infrequent. However, she has grown comfortable relocating to an air mattress in our room every night when she wakes to use the bathroom (between 10-1am). We never want her to suffer with night fears alone in her room,  so it will continue to be a process. Last night when she woke up, all on her own she went back in her room, turned on some soft music, and went back to sleep. Hooray! I couldn't believe she wasn't in our room when I got up to go running this morning. She was very proud of herself. "Mommy, Irina one last night." (Which means, she slept in her bed all alone last night.) I asked her if she was scared and she replied, "No, Irina read Bible." awww...

2) We dropped off Irina at Community Bible Study today for the first time. For those of you who prayed for this transition, thank you! It went great!! I dropped her off at 9:30 with Luke and her friend R. Irina reminded me that I would come back for her at 11:30am. Yes! When I came around the corner at 11:30, I saw her standing at the doorway watching for me. She has been telling me little stories about class ever since we came home. "One boy prayed for no more snow." She thought that was funny. Luke reported that she did a great job and had fun. Hallelujah!

The 4/5th graders have daily homework every week which they complete in a workbook. Irina received her CBS book today and was thrilled. She has already written out the Bible Memory Verse for next week. She asked me if we could work on it more today. Of course. ;)

I have a very thankful heart.

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