Friday, February 21, 2014

Unnecessary Destruction

If you have watched the news or seen the headlines, you know that there are 
major things happening in Ukraine right now. I don't understand the intricacies 
of the political battle. However, I do know that there is so much unnecessary 
violence and destruction. If you have seen the photos, it is sad.
 Just four months ago, Darin and I spent a week in this city spending most of our 
time in the area known as Independence Square, but now known as "Euromaiden." 
I am so thankful that we had the opportunity to see the beauty in the city before it was destroyed.
 When we traveled to Kiev with the boys and Irina in November, we didn't even walk around 
this section of the city pictured above because it was the central point of the protests. Although 
we stayed on the outskirts of the protests, we accidentally did get caught in a big parade on 
our way home from lunch one day. Even though the protests were very peaceful at 
that time, the large number of people and foreign words being shouted over the 
loudspeakers was very unsettling.
 This country is a part of Irina's heritage and very dear to our hearts. 
We met many new friends while we were there that are affected by this political battle.
 The metro system is shut down, government buildings are closing and that leaves families 
who were in the process of adopting from Ukraine in the lurch. They cannot travel and bring 
their precious children home to love, warmth and stability. I know of one family in 
particular who is hoping to bring home their daughter before she ages out of the system. 
Upon her 16 birthday, she will no longer be eligible for adoption. If this family cannot 
complete the adoption process before her birthday, this 16 year old girl will be put on the streets.
 Please pray for Ukraine. Please pray for the orphans. Please pray for the safety of the 
people in this city and surrounding cities who are being affected by this political turmoil.
To see more current pictures and hear first hand what is going on 
from a missionary currently living in Ukraine, click HERE
This makes me long for heaven when there will be no more unnecessary 
destruction, no more orphans, no more pain and no more tears. 

"Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. 
For the lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. 
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." Revelation 7:16-17

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