Thursday, February 13, 2014


Our little girl is READING IN ENGLISH and she is thrilled!

We've been working through the Explode the Code Series (starting with "Get Ready," "Get Set," "Go for the Code.") We started the fourth book on Monday. She had learned all the consonants and we began adding in the vowels. When we turned to this page in the book, I was not sure what would happen.
Before I could do much of anything, she began reading every sentence on the page! She just kept going. I couldn't believe it. Ethan and Aaron (who were in the school room at the time) gathered around her desk in disbelief. After each sentence she read, they cheered and clapped. I wish I had captured a picture of her happy face. Each time they clapped, Irina said, "Good job, Irina!" 
 I had only intended for her to do 2 pages in the book, but she wanted to keep going. After completing 20 pages I had to convince her to stop. She is still learning the vocabulary, so she needs me to sit beside her and say what some of the pictures are. As soon as I say the word, she is able to spell it easily. I needed to stop working with her so I could get to the boys school work.
She packed her workbook and worked for another 30 minutes at Aaron's gymnastics class that afternoon. I love her enthusiasm. If only she was this enthusiastic about everything I ask her to do. :) For now, I'll delight in this exciting milestone. 

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