Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Irina recently asked me to take down a basket of stuffed animals from high up in the boys closet. 
The long forgotten stuffed animals are being thoroughly enjoyed! Her teddy bear, Mishka, is still her favorite, 
but she discovered some puppets that have kept her very preoccupied. 
In particular, she has latched onto a tiger puppet. The two have become one in the same. Mr. Tiger has had a sore tooth. 
Mr. Tiger woke up Daddy this morning. Mr. Tiger had a bad dream. Mr. Tiger was crying. 
Mr. Tiger was reading a book. Mr. Tiger wanted a hug. Mr. Tiger says, "I love you Mommy. So much!" 
Mr. Tiger has been very busy over here in our house. 
 This afternoon after the boys gymnastics class, Irina planned a special show for Mommy. 
She asked me to wait downstairs for "Ten minutes. Surprise Mommy." 
According to Luke, she told everyone to dress up. 
She told Luke how to set up the stage and then they called me to come see. 
Four little puppets talked and moved about behind the 
tumbling mat propped on its side covered with a blanket. 
I think the sweetest part for me is that the boys went right along with her plan 
and followed her instructions happily. They weren't "too cool" to put on a  puppet show 
for Mommy. They indulged her delight in childish play and had a great time together. 
What a blessed girl to have these three as brothers! 

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