Thursday, February 13, 2014

Doctor, Doctor

We have a play doctor kit that was a gift for Ethan when he was a toddler. He loved it. I can't believe we still have it. Along the way, some pieces got broken and we added to it a pretend play veterinarian doctor kit.
Ethan - 17 months
Irina found it on Wednesday and decided I needed a check up. I think with her recent visit to the pediatrician and knowledge of an upcoming dental procedure, it was great for her to pretend. Dr. Irina checked my eyes and ears. My reflexes were checked and my temperature taken. I received 2 pretend shots and several teeth extractions. She listened to my heart and took my blood pressure. It was a lengthy exam. She was very serious about her important job. (And yes, we are working on her hair. It is like a mop and growing like crazy! She wants to grow out her bangs and grow her hair down to her knees. She is not very eager to brush it or to have me brush it. We shall see!)
When the boys realized what she was up to, they quickly joined in her imaginary world. Before I knew it, my bedroom was set up like a doctors office. They had created a receptionist area, waiting room and examining room. This kept them busy for over an hour as long as I was the willing patient. Oh how that laundry waiting to be folded called my name as I sat on the examining table and had my blood pressure checked for the 10th time!

the instruments
another patient in the waiting room

 the nurse who takes all the stats (height, weight, eye exam)

another doctor looking very chipper

 Is there such a thing as too much pretend play? When I got tired of being the patient, they switched gears and began examining all our stuffed animals. We had people, horses and dogs in the waiting room all at the same time. What a versatile doctors office!

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