Monday, August 18, 2014

The Gardens

Over the last few years, we have been more intentional about making Sunday's after church our "rest" day. We don't have
rigid rules about this, but we do make a strong effort to not work on projects and instead focus on time together as a family. 
(It is not easy for either Darin or me to step away from our tasks.) 
 Usually what that means is we have to go somewhere so we don't get sucked into working on our "to do" list. We go on bike rides, to parks, go to the pool, play kickball, or visit with family, etc., etc. 
Yesterday, we visited a local botanical garden. (If you're wondering why I never say exactly where we go, it's for privacy purposes. I'm not sure if it matters, but it makes it feel a little safer to not say our exact location. If you live in our city and are wondering about something, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email.)
I took this picture right before these two boys lay down and began digging money out of the fountains. Yes, you read that right. They were scooping up money from the fountains and thankfully just throwing it back in rather then pocketing it. phew!
 They have a wonderful live butterfly exhibit. It was Irina's first time seeing so many butterflies up close. 
She wanted to pet them and touch them, but thankfully listened to our instructions.

 Kind of fitting for our little "butterfly" to get a close up look at some butterflies. ;)

 Did I mention recently that I LOVE taking pictures? I'm considering taking a photography class but I'm not sure if 
knowing "too much" would take the joy from me or bring me more joy? I don't want my perfectionism to 
creep in. I'm having such fun with my rinky dink camera. 

These four are all so unique and special in their own way. They play so imaginatively together. We may have four big "butterflies" at our house soon. (After our zoo visit, they played "zoo" for a couple days. Two of them crawled around like monkeys and two were zoo keepers. You should have seen them entertain themselves in their pretend play world. It is amazing!)

 Daddy said to smell the rose but he didn't expect her to push her nose in quite so far. 

Darin and Irina have such a special relationship. She absolutely adores him and since she has had no father figure in her life she hasn't had to overcome preconceived notions about what that looks like. She gives him love easily and accepts his love freely. Darin is sweet and patient with her in ways I am not able. I am grateful that she has such a loving Daddy.
 The gardens were closing and we were far from the entrance near the children's area. 
It was empty and quiet until they accidentally triggered the water in the splash fountains. 
They were THRILLED. 
 Her exuberance could not be contained. 
 "Me SOAKED, Mommy!!!!!" Irina squealed with delight. Yes, she was the wettest of the four. 
 Ethan is sitting on the pole that turns on the water. Do you see that look on his face?

It only took 4 minutes for them to get pretty wet. Another memorable Sunday afternoon...

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