Wednesday, August 20, 2014


After we cleaned out the school room, I hung an old sheet 
over the french doors and told the kids to "Please Keep Out."
My plan was to start school Wednesday and I needed time 
to set things up for our first day without their curious eyes and busy hands. 
 You wouldn't believe how much more curious this made them!! 
 We started our school year with "orientation" today. It wasn't exactly what I had planned, 
but it was a blessing. I've been sidelined with an earache and summer cold, 
so this was the best I could do. The kids didn't want to wait another day to start, 
but I couldn't handle working with them on all their lessons. 
 While they were decorating the cover of their daily notebook, I called them one by one 
into the schoolroom. We took a tour of their school books, talked about my goals for them 
for the year, and I asked them specific things that I could pray for them. 
It was an unexpected and unplanned sweet time. 
 We reviewed some of our new strategies and systems we'll be trying this year and finished 
orientation with a "True/False" quiz. They thought this was hilarious. Thank you God for 
giving me this spur of the moment idea! The folders are to help with "wandering eyes." 
They were so funny about this.

 #8) True or False. If you need help from Mommy during school, 
shout loudly until she runs to help you. 
FALSE! This was a big problem last year. Let's hope my new strategy works.
We finished the day with a "Back to School" make your own pizza celebratory dinner. 
 It required WAY more energy then I had with my summer cold, but I stuck with the plan.
I just left all the many dishes for Daddy to clean up. ;) Thank, Darin!!!
They even have some leftovers for tomorrow for their first day of school lunch. 
Almost ready to take the plunge into schooling these four precious kiddos. 
Going to need a boost of energy before tomorrow. 

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