Friday, August 15, 2014

It's a Zoo Around Here

Every day at our house is like being at a zoo.  I have several climbing monkeys.
You should hear the lions roar to protect what is theirs (toys, food, space, rights).
 My lion cubs are very thirsty. "I need water, Mommy," they whine.
Little prairie dogs live at my house too. They dig tunnels and holes by the play set. 
Thankfully, they like to eat their veggies. 
Every day I get time with my little snuggly, roly poly panda bears. I may not always 
stop and appreciate it, but I'm so very thankful I'm blessed to be with them.

 I have very smart and strong gorillas bounding around our house.
 They can sound like a herd of elephants when they stomp down the steps. 
 One of my kiddos reminds me of a cheetah. He is very observant and 
has keen eyesight.  He notices everything that is going on. 
 All joking aside, Darin and I took our "zoo" to the zoo on Thursday. 
It was a great outing and fun family memory. Irina could barely keep 
herself from running ahead to the next animal. She was so excited!
She's been asking to go to the zoo since January. 
Aaron sat and stared at the sleeping Komodo Dragon for a while. 
I haven't figured out why it captivated him, but he was mesmerized.

 The weather was gorgeous. Low 80's and low humidity, but as you can see from this photo the two on the right began to feel a little droopy from all the walking. Ethan moaned, "Why do you have to take so many photos of us for your blog?" Oh dear. ;)
 Thankfully, they perked up with a sandwich.
 Following the elephant footprints. 

A great way to end our summer break. School starts in 5 days!

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