Monday, August 11, 2014

Friends at the River

At the beginning of last week, we were invited to join two families for another outing to the river. 
After seeing the pictures from HERE, they wanted to go too. These two moms have been such a HUGE 
support for me, especially throughout the past year. I'm so honored to be their friends!
Between the three of us adults, we had 12 children that day. 
We were a noisy crew squealing and shouting with delight. 
If you were there that day trying to relax peacefully by the water... SORRY! ;)
 This time, we went to full on swimming right from the get go. The kids were delighted. My heart was beating rapidly. 
The two boys pictured above, Ethan and his friend, are very like minded when it comes to adventure. 
Ethan was up a tree again. He has an insatiable urge to climb and no fear of heights.
The kids took turns swinging on a vine. I love that they were so orderly about getting their turn.  
 It was overwhelming at times when I was there with just four kids. Just imagine tripling that!
Aside from a few scrapes and falls, everyone was safe and had tons of fun. 
I was told at one point, "Jill, you might need to set down your camera in case we need help."
Whoops! Yes, indeed! How can I not capture the chaos and joy of the moment first? :)

A great opportunity to continue to build new friendships. 
So glad for a day at the river with friends. 

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