Thursday, February 26, 2015

For the Record

I'm thankful for sweet moments today. (Definitely should be sleeping, but I want to get this recorded.) Even though Darin is traveling and I was up in the night with a sick boy, the day was surprisingly relaxed. I didn't know it was possible for me. ;) Certainly helps when I have agreeable kiddos.
I have a hard time canceling school on snowy days, so we usually just keep on our regular schedule. However, when at 9:30 we had accomplished a good bit of work (2 math quizzes, a grammar test and more) I decided it was time to have some recess! I LOVE walking in the snow.
The sick boy got pulled all around our neighborhood by his siblings and was very content in the fresh air. After our walk, I shoveled the driveway (which I love to do, but Darin usually insists on doing). 
We played and played. It wasn't too cold. 
 Our attempt at a group photo. Not sure why I'm grimacing... I was very relaxed today, really I was.
The snow was perfect for snow forts, snow walls, snow balls and snow men!
You should have seen Ethan and I heaving the larger snow balls up on this snow man. It was hilarious. We were giggling together and it was great. It felt good. We were together and full of JOY. 

We came inside for lunch and then worked on school work for a couple hours. We went sledding, had quiet time (great reading in my She Reads Truth lent devotional... more on that later), put away laundry, practiced drums and piano. Everything just seemed to fall in place (even in the midst of typical teachable moments and sibling conflict). Y'all... this doesn't happen every day. This is why I need to record it tonight before I forget. 
And since I was in such good spirits, after realizing basketball practice was cancelled (as we sat in the empty parking lot) I treated the kids to a surprise dinner out at Chipotle. Now I really must go to sleep, or I can promise you tomorrow will not be so relaxed. 

Thank you, Lord, for helping me to ENJOY your creation, these precious children, and for giving me the ability to be spontaneous today. "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" 

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