Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Ramblings

Oh Friday, how I love you!

I can barely believe that we are done with our school work right now with no lingering work to do over the weekend. It seems no matter how hard the kids work during the week, there are at least a couple hours of school work to oversee over the weekend for the homeschool academy classes. (usually projects and writing assignments.)  Praise the Lord we get two full days off from school this week! What a relief! I need a break from being school teacher.

My oldest boy deserves some crazy kudos for his efforts and sweetness this week. He was up each morning by 6:00 or 6:30 working studiously at his desk. Of course it benefits him to have no work over the weekend, but you know why he was working so hard? Because he wanted to give ME a break this weekend. All of his writing assignments require a pep talk from me and much encouragement to keep going. And he's been writing a lot this year, which means I've been cheering a lot. (or perhaps coaxing the words out of his mouth is a more accurate description?) Getting his amazing thoughts on paper is hard for my boy, but we are making progress. Praise the Lord.

My two day long crazy headache has finally subsided. Praise the Lord! Ibuprofen and tylenol did nothing to stop the pain. Was it a migraine? I have no idea, but somehow we charged on with life. Oh the pain from lights and sounds was intense and sleep did not come easily. Any head ache remedies out there that have worked for you? please share!

The conflict and screaming and revengeful behaviors between all four siblings have been through the roof. It is ugly! The resulting crying and drama have been too much to handle. But you know what? Today during our Bible time, three of the kids wanted to take time to pray for peace, obedience and cooperation. OF COURSE WE CAN STOP AND PRAY FOR PEACE IN OUR HOME! What a sweet moment listening to them pray. Aaron asked to share a Bible verse he learned at Community Bible Study. He said, "We should be slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to become angry." (James 1:19) Yes, indeed. It hasn't been all sunshine and roses since that sweet moment, but they know they need God's help to love each other well. So do I!

Even if you've only read this blog for a short time, you've figured out that I am highly emotional. I'm either really happy (not so much of that recently), or really low. Not a lot of middle ground for me. We are studying Nehemiah at Community Bible Study and as usual, God is teaching me. I love this excerpt from our study guide.
"Nehemiah was a strong and influential person who had strong and deep emotions. Like many biblical men (consider David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and even Jesus Himself), he didn't try to hide what he was feeling. Instead, he directed his feelings to God in prayer. When Nehemiah heard the terrible news about Jerusalem, he wept and mourned - and prayed and fasted- for days. When he was sad before the king and the king pointed it out, he was 'very much afraid' and shot up a prayer to heaven. Nehemiah didn't seem to buy into the modern idea that having or displaying emotions is a sign of weakness. However, Nehemiah's emotions didn't rule him - they sent him to God in prayer. Nehemiah admitted his feelings - and then directed them to God, opening a door for God to move in and act."
This study comes at a perfect time for me. God can handle my emotions and they are not wrong to have. I can take my emotions to Him and He hears me! I'm so thankful that God's word is coming alive to me in this season of life that can feel so challenging. What would I do without His word? It is my rock. No matter where I turn in the Bible, I feel His love and mercy. He is teaching me and I'm thankful that He has given me eyes to see what He wants me to learn.

Okay... that is all for my Friday ramblings. It is time for our cleaning teams to jump into action and get ready for a special weekend. (All you out there who have raised boys, do they ever get the concept of aiming INTO the toilet? Oh my goodness. You would think they are not even paying attention. It's time to tackle those toilets and dirt piles. Hooray!)

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