Sunday, July 27, 2014

Stop and Give Thanks

In some ways, the summer is zipping by too quickly. Can you believe it is almost August? I'm not ready for school to start! In other ways, I am ready to kiss summer goodbye. I'm looking forward to the return of Community Bible Study, homeschool co-op, and a more regular schedule.

In early August, we celebrate being home from Ukraine for 8 months. I cannot overlook how miraculous it is that we were in and out of there so quickly (in comparison to other families adopting from Ukraine ). This is especially notable considering the violence that is going on in the Donetsk region right now. No matter how many challenges we face as Irina learns to be in a family (and we face many "tests" these days), I must not forget that it is a gift that she is HERE in America safely with us and learning. Last year at this time, I was longing to have her under my wing. In 2013, I wrote about it HERE and HERE and HERE. Now that she is here, the hard and wonderful work continues.

In the midst of all that, these are the sweet moments that fill me with thankfulness.

1) Blueberry picking! Blueberries are probably my favorite fruit. 
We picked 9 pounds and I'm ready to go back again. 

2) Family Bike Rides! I can't wait until they have enough endurance 
to plan a trip to the rail trails we rode on as kids on Cape Cod. 

3) Parachute Playtime with Friends!

4) My dear, dear Ethan... he asked for tea at breakfast and 
sat on the deck drinking his tea and eating his hard boiled egg. 
How sophisticated of him!
In contrast, he always needs to add danger to any adventure. 
He's learned how to ride his bike with no hands... even around a curve. 
A unicycle is on his wish list. He can both exasperate me and amaze me at the same time!

5) "Me have 'flash pot' Mommy?" It took me a while, but she was asking for a WASH CLOTH. She is trying so hard. We all talk pretty fast, so I guess it may have sounded like 'flash pot' to her. Another cute language discovery, is that she uses the word "moo" in most sentences. "Moo rain today, no pool going?" "Irina like carrots moo red pepper." "Moo Irina play legos." It is not a Ukrainian or Russian word, but we must say something that sounds like that.

6) First tooth, fresh hair cut and dress up! I simply cannot believe my baby is SIX. 
Aaron lost his first tooth last week and his joy was ADORABLE! 
Oh, I love when I give him a fresh hair cut and see his sweet little face.
 Saturday, I found him fixing his bed dressed up like a fire fighter. I ran to get my camera.
The costume is a little short, but it was SO stinkin cute!!! 

It is so good for my heart to STOP and notice the sweet things that ARE happening around here.

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