Sunday, December 23, 2012

Photos and the Ballet

One of Irina's favorite things to do is look at our family and baby photo albums. She looks through the photos over and over pointing out the boys, Darin and me, all our extended family, and family friends. Grandma and Grandpa, Grammy and Poppy ... she knows who you are and is learning your names! :)

I've been so torn about this psychologically. Wondering if it makes her sad because she probably doesn't have any baby photos or family photos??Wondering if it makes her long to be in a family? Or even realize what she is missing? It breaks my heart to think about how she and so many other children are essentially all alone.

So far, we just let her enjoy them. Maybe we should have thought ahead and moved all the albums before she arrived? But for now, they are where we've always kept them lined up on a shelf in our family room. She gazes at them and giggles and giggles. She loves to see pictures of the boys as babies in diapers and is so amused. If we're not sitting right by her while she looks at them, she calls for us or runs to show us her favorites. It is really quite sweet. From the little I know about her history, she doesn't have reason to be so joyful. And yet she is!

After our difficult day yesterday, we were a lot calmer and even keel today. She enjoyed church - especially dressing up and listening to special music of a flute and piano playing "Carol of the Bells."(Did you know this carol is based on a Ukrainian Christmas Carol?) "Mama, Fotografiya please." (I love to hear her start saying some English words.)
Check out the shades she received from Aunt Chrislyn & Uncle Michael.
She loves them! And she  is very reluctant to wear her seatbelt properly. :(
Following church, she and I had the special gift of going to see the Nutcracker performed by the Richmond Ballet. It was a great outing for us and good time for Darin to spend alone with the boys. She was thrilled and especially liked clapping throughout the performances. The last couple times we went anywhere alone it was to the dentist and eye doctor. I'm sure she was glad we didn't end up at the pediatrician.
In the theater waiting for the performance to begin.
Even though it has been a good day, my heart is especially hurting tonight as I think about orphans and the quickly approaching holiday. Will you take a moment to pray for orphans this Christmas? There are so many sad, hurting children around the world without the love and warmth of family. So many without the knowledge of the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. amen jill! praying with you! And on the gives her an understanding of what family IS meant to be and HIS design for the larger family in the Body of Christ. Something she may not even have tasted until now. Taste and SEE that the Lord is good...even as she (and we) long for all things to be made NEW! xo!
