Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve and An Undercover Spy??

I love Thee, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my side,
'Til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray

Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to heaven
To live with Thee there

I listened to these words to "Away in a Manger" in the wee hours of the morning while I was running and again at church this evening. Both times it had me in tears of worship and joy. There is no mistaking over the last eight days that Jesus has been right by my side. God has provided abundantly and even in the difficult moments I have been reassured by His word that He loves me. And He loves all the dear children, including Irina!

We had some pretty special moments today and some tough ones. I'll share the special ones and keep the tough ones private. Irina was completely bursting with joy this evening at church. She wore her Christmas dress again and I'm struck by the fact that there has not been one complaint as I lay out an outfit for her each day. She is very agreeable. This is a blessing! 

She sang along to the Christmas songs with me throughout the children's service. She followed along with the program of songs and made sure we were all on the same page. I could see the joy in her eyes as she looked up at me. During one song, she pulled out her cross necklace she has on a piece of twine and said, "Christ." She was so excited!

She pointed to the word "Jesus" on the program and said in English "Jesus." She pointed to the word "angel" and said in English "angel." She was NOT repeating after me. She just knew those words and a few others that escape me now. She did it yesterday with a couple words she saw. I'm beginning to wonder if I have an undercover spy on my hands. :) Is she able to read English? I can say things to her with no google translate or gestures and she knows exactly what I'm saying and will act on it. She has begun pointing out letters in the alphabet and I have not been teaching them to her. Did someone send her to get an inside peak into our family?? Do not be tempted to talk about her when she is nearby thinking she doesn't speak the language. She seems to understand almost everything! (Although she still chatters away in Russian.)

After church, we celebrated a Christmas Eve meal with my parents. We certainly did not follow the traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve meatless twelve course meal, but we enjoyed some Kolach. (The traditional Christmas Eve bread is three loaves stacked together with a candle in the middle. We just had one and I couldn't find an oven proof object to keep the center open like a ring. ) 
At bedtime, she asked us to read to her from the Bible. She pulled a Children's Bible out of our Bible basket and said something in Russian. She looked at the pictures and then all on her own found a picture of Jesus on the cross. She pointed to the nails in his hands all the while chattering away. Then she looked sad. I said, "Jesus loves Irina, Luke, Ethan, Aaron, me, Mr. Darin and the whole world so much He had to die for us." She smiled and then turned the page. I have to say that moment probably washed away all the other hard moments from our day. What an answer to prayer! I pray this little conversation was just the beginning! This is what Christmas is all about! Merry Christmas!

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