Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I am so amazed and encouraged by Irina's imagination. She has been having a great time playing with the boys Playmobil collection. I'm so pleased by their willingness to share and also for their enthusiasm over her creations. When rest time is over, she leads each of us in her room with our eyes closed to show us what she has set up. She is so excited and proud to show us! Take a look at a few…

Luke, Ethan and Aaron are sleeping on the top floor. 
She was very proud of the vase of flowers on the table.
The cat on the counter is pretty interesting too. (We do not have a cat.)

The recycling bins on the second floor are laundry baskets.
Notice Mommy on the computer! Then Irina and cousin B are sleeping in the same room as Mommy.

That's Daddy driving the ambulance to the office. 
His lunch and computer are setting beside him on the front seat. :)

Here is the full view. If you are not familiar with Playmobil toys, they come with LOTS of little pieces. I've given up sorting the sets, so they are all dumped and mixed up in large plastic bins and stored under the boys bed. It has taken Irina a lot of focus and determination to pick out all these pieces and set up these little scenes. I love it!

Here is one more scene. She has used felt as grass to set up this picnic. The food is in the middle and she can tell you who each person represents. It is always very intentional.  So cute!

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