Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Basketball, Brothers, and Baptism

How is it Wednesday already??? I think we are slowly recovering from a couple late nights this weekend. Perhaps that is the reason for the madness in our house this week? ;)

BASKETBALL: This past Saturday, Aaron had his first basketball game. Aaron is my sports guy. He truly loves any sport and has some natural talent at most games he tries. Perhaps it is sad for him that we don't watch much sports around here. I don't even think of turning the television on. As a result, he doesn't really know how all the games are played. However, he will give any sport his best shot and learns quickly. This is his first chance to play on a team. 
Back in September when I signed him up, he was thrilled. In November, when we went to get measured for his uniform and have his skills assessed, I had to carry him to the car kicking, crying, and screaming. seriously!?! He was SO nervous and scared. When we walked out of the assessment, he was all smiles and couldn't wait to start. He continues to be nervous at the start of every practice. 
I'm not very good at capturing the action shots, but there is Aaron on the right paired up against his friend from church. How fun is that? It was an EARLY Saturday morning for our family. We've gotten accustomed to being leisurely on Saturday mornings, but now that basketball season is upon us we have some adjusting to do. All six of us were out the door by 8am! (Which meant I had to get up REALLY early to get my long run in. I don't like to leave the neighborhood in the dark, so it was a boring run around and around our small neighborhood to get in the miles.) 
Aaron had a great first game and earned the "offensive" star for the game. We love Upward basketball!

BROTHERS: Mid day Saturday, the two oldest boys went to Grammy and Poppy's to WORK. They asked to go over and do some jobs and Grammy said, "YES!" She made a long mental list. Luke is saving up to buy a drum set (more on that soon) and has been requesting to do extra jobs to earn money. We decided it would work best if they went as a team. They are such a GREAT TEAM!
Despite all their shenanigans and moments of conflict, they love each other and work very well together. I think they were really helpful and I hear they were hard workers. They are growing up and at moments like this, I'm proud of them. They are sweet brothers. I couldn't resist looking back at some pictures from the past. 

BAPTISM: Sunday afternoon, we made the trip to Darin's sisters town for our niece's baptism. (A little over an hour away.) I didn't get nearly enough pictures, but these two say a lot. I wasn't sure how the kids would do during the long church service but phew! they did great. 
Isn't she precious?!?! 
After our delicious meal, the kids scampered off to play and I got to hold that 
squishy bundle seen above. Babies are sweet to enjoy for a little while, but at this 
point in my life I'm always happy to pass them back to their Mom! :) No more babies for me!

These two (Darin and my brother-in-law) spent a lot of time laughing. 
I could barely capture a still photo. It's good to see the laughter. 

The time with family speeds by so quickly. I'm always amazed by how late it is when we part ways. 
So it was a groggy start to the week, but it's Wednesday already! 

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