Friday, May 23, 2014

Still Plugging Along

Wow! It's been a week since I've updated.

We're still here and plugging away with school, enjoying beautiful spring weather, and preparing for some summer fun. We've officially had 170 school days and we're all so ready to be done. (especially me!!!) Our school year began in August, so this will be the longest school year since we started homeschooling in 2009. Now, there is that trip to Ukraine and that major life transition that interfered with our schedule. ;) However, we worked every snow day, every public school holiday and only took three days off for spring break. We're in the home stretch. Lord, please help this weary Momma make it to the end. Probably 2-3 more weeks before we're officially done with our curriculum and required standardized testing.  phew!

Wish I could be one of those relaxed Momma's who completely take the summer off, but we'll probably still do some school work this summer to keep our skills sharp (and help Irina catch up to her grade level.) Maybe I can make it fun?? We shall see...

Some photos of another weekend family bike ride:
 Playing on the exercise equipment while we wait for Irina and Daddy to catch up. 

The boys really enjoyed the very hilly bike trails so I'd zoom ahead with them. Irina, not so much... 
she was really scared, poor thing. Darin was very kind to help her walk her bike down every hill. 

 She finally worked up enough courage to go down and up one hill 
without walking her bike. She asked me to take her photo. 
 The park had a great nature center that was OPEN! Yeah!
 Then four monkeys on the playground. Can we all go across at the same time? 

A big milestone for Irina... she was able to go all the way across the monkey bars 
for the first time on her own. She is building her arm strength. Yeah! 

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