Monday, May 12, 2014

Luke - TEN

It is so hard for me to believe that ten years ago Saturday this little bundle was born. 
Before Luke was born, I read hungrily to find the formula for raising and training up our 
coming child. I wanted to know the exact formula for getting him to sleep well and eat well. 
I had read a particular book at least three times and taken detailed notes that I typed up. 
I was prepared. Are you starting to get glimpses of my personality. Poor kid! 
It was nearly impossible for him to avoid being a perfectionist, over achiever!

Then he was born and he didn't fit any of the formulas in the books I had read. He was highly sensitive to light and sounds. He only took two 27 minute naps a day and I thought I'd never survive his first year. When was I going to get any free time?!? Ha! If I'd only known how much free time I had back then. Luke would sit for hours pushing cars and playing independently. That was only when I wasn't changing his outfit unnecessarily 5 times a day to pose him for pictures.
 Somehow he has sped up and turned double digits. He is still a shy and sensitive guy. He loves legos/building and his imagination blows me away. (If only he could put all that creativity to writing stories... for some reason when it's time to be creative on paper, he draws a blank.) He is a hard working student. Although, he rushes to be done with school each day so he can get back to his creating. When he is at home or in comfortable surroundings, he is quite the comedian.
Oh, he's not perfect. We're working through some rough edges, but he is a tender hearted boy who is thankfully not worried about being cool - yet! He loves music, drumming, riding his bike, digging and exploring in nature, climbing trees, collecting rocks/fossils, and being at the beach. I am so thankful for the fine young man that God is shaping him to be. 

Most importantly, I am thankful that Luke loves God and his family with his whole heart. His brothers and sister are really his best friends. I'd say he has had the hardest adjustment adding Irina to our family because it may seem that he has given up his status as the oldest child. Everywhere we go, people comment about Irina being the oldest and that is hard for him. To us though, he will always be our first born! He is the boy that made me a mother and I love him dearly.

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