I have no idea how I had so much time for blogging last week.
Phew, it's Friday! What a week it has been. Here is a whirlwind catch up.
Last Friday, we went with Ethan's homeschool academy class on a field trip to see "Charlotte's Web" at a children's theatre. There is one phrase we heard the most that day. "It's super fun!" Irina said this at least 20 times if not more. They LOVED it! It brought back fond memories of my acting days before college. The play was really well done and brought me much joy! I was giggling throughout at the interpretation of the animals. I'm thankful for the opportunity to laugh and enjoy with these kids!
Poppy was able to come along and then took us out to lunch.
What a great end to our week last week. Thank you, Poppy!
Last Saturday, I was busy working in the school room with the windows open.
Daddy was mowing the back yard. The weather was glorious! The four kids were
right outside the window in the front yard. They played HAPPILY together for
almost 2 hours. Their laughter and giggles, pulled me from my schoolwork.
Of course, I had to run back in to get my camera. This moment needed to be recorded.
They were playing a game they called "Bumper Ball Tag" with a beach ball we got from
Lufthansa airlines last fall. As far as I could gather, they would each take a turn being "it" and
then ram into each other with full force. This would cause them to bounce and fall to the ground.
Apparently, it was hilarious! Can you hear their giggles?
OR, they would throw the ball at each other. This was supposedly hilarious too.
They loved running around in the cold grass with their bare feet.
Sometimes there was spontaneous wrestling.
What amazes me is that this activity lasted so long without anyone getting hurt.
See Irina with her fists up? She says, "Come and get me!" Aaron said, "Irina is tough girl."
After all that fun, our family outing hiking at a state park on Sunday just couldn't measure up. The grumbling was through the roof! I got some cute photos and I could certainly paint an entirely different picture than reality. However, the true story is that they wanted adventure. A hike through the woods on a trail was apparently, "BORING!!!" "I'm thirsty." "I need to go to the bathroom." "This is boring." "I wish we were playing kickball instead." blah, blah, blah!!!
I will add that Irina did NOT complain THIS day. She was very happy to be out and about.
(Although, she does use the word "boring" and the phrase "it's not fair" quite often! oh my!)
The last week of October was busy, but uneventful. I think I only picked up my camera one time.
I'm ready for the weekend. Maybe our rainy Saturday could be used cleaning up the lego room?? Ack!