Monday, September 8, 2014

What a day!

Today I got a glimpse of what it would be like for two of the kids to be away all day. 
I was filled with a mixture of excitement for them, relief for me, and sadness all balled up into one.
The two oldest boys started at a homeschool academy today! It's just once a week, but a big change for both of them... especially Ethan. They are each taking three classes, a lengthy study hall (so drop off and pick-ups line up) and lunch. They leave home with Daddy at 8:30am and I pick them up at 3pm. Luke took a couple classes there last year, but his day was over at noon. He already has friends in his classes and friends to eat lunch with. Ethan, on the other hand, was mostly meeting new friends and navigating the lunch room without his big brother. A big adventure for him!
I just noticed how incredibly sleepy they look in these photos. They were both sleeping when I got home from my run at 7am! That is so completely unheard of in our house full of EARLY birds. I guess that's why they still have tired eyes. They were pretty excited to have full back packs, new lunch boxes and water bottles. I DID NOT COORDINATE THEIR OUTFITS. ;) I know you might not believe me, but Monday is kid laundry day and this is what was left in their closets besides church clothes. 
The farewells between siblings were beyond cute. 
There were big hugs, running in the yard to watch them pull away, lots of waves as they pulled off in the old "bus." 
It still cracks me up that they are so excited to drive in Darin's car with almost 300,000 miles on it! 
I guess there is nothing quite like being with Daddy. ;) Darin said they chattered all the way to school.  
SO glad Darin indulged me with a photo outside the building right before they went in. 
("Gentlemen, put your hands at your sides and back against the wall.")
They are looking a little stiff, but they had a GREAT day!!! Hooray!

Sort of sweet moments from the day:
1) Irina asked every hour what Luke and Ethan were doing at that moment. "What class are they in now?"

2) Aaron missed his brothers terribly and demonstrated this by requiring extra parenting. It was as if there were three of him. He'll settle in to the new routine soon.

3) I had VERY talkative boys at pick-up. I was worried that it would be like pulling teeth to find out about their day. This curious Momma is so thankful that they had so much to say. I heard SO many details! 

4) Mommy: "Wow, Luke. You have a lot of work to do before next Monday." 
    Luke: "Well, you know, I am getting older Mommy."

5) Luke: "Do you think you could pack a special snack sometimes? Everyone had chips, Dorritos, candy, or soda with their lunch." Oh dear... here come the lunch comparisons. 

6) Ethan: "Irina, I really missed you all day."

7) And now the challenge of getting them both to do their other independent school work (math, grammar, spelling, etc.) during study hall. They are both not equally motivated or able to concentrate in a room full of interesting people to people watch. That made for a lot more work once they got home at 3:30! oh my!! We were just finishing at 6:15pm!! There was some weeping and gnashing of teeth. :(   I know all you non-homeschoolers are probably rolling your eyes as you face this with daily homework. However, it's a new experience for us! I know we'll make progress. It's just the first day. I'm not discouraged yet.

All in all, a great day for the big boys.  On top of that, all three boys had their first "Trail Life" meeting tonight at 7pm. I hope they sleep in tomorrow, because they are still not home at 9:20pm. 

(Irina and I had quality time at home tonight while the boys were away. She asked if she could do jobs and earn money. She helped me fold and put away four loads of laundry. Hooray! We talked a LOT, read books, brushed hair and did I mention talked A LOT?)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! They look so cute (don't tell them I said that ;) I am glad they were so eager. We are still majorly transitioning here too.
