Thursday, November 21, 2013

Getting Around in Gorlovka

We had a great day in Gorlovka. Luke created a new sleeping record by sleeping until almost 9:00am after going to sleep at 7:30pm the night before. If you know Luke, you know he's usually up before 6am every morning. I had to work to wake him and Ethan up. Amazing. Aaron was up by 7:30 and he told me he was "fully adjusted to the time change." :)

We enjoyed a large complimentary breakfast at our hotel and got to spend some time with the family adopting Kristina (from Irina's orphanage). Things have gone very smoothly for them and they're on their way to Kiev. That's good news for us!
 ham & tomato omelets, fried eggs, sausage, museli, toast, compote and pancakes
After breakfast, we set out on a long exploring adventure. 
We had learned of a good destination from Angelina and enjoyed the walk in the crisp air. 
The surroundings were pretty shabby. 
The streets were full of pot holes and the sidewalks were not not much better. 
I couldn't resist taking a photo of this restaurant for my cheese lovers. 
It's funny how every now and then there are signs in English. 
Notice the balcony above the restaurant. Not very safe.
Then, as we walked past this apartment building we came to our destination. 
A huge, newly built Russian Orthodox church. It seemed so out of
place with all the poverty around. There were men still working on the 
area behind the church and a man scrubbing the marble front steps. 

At this point, the sun was still shining and it wasn't too cold. (maybe low 40's?)
But as soon as the sun dipped behind the clouds around 1:00, it got very chilly.
(It is completely dark here at 4:15pm. Stores close at 4:00pm.)

 Right beside the massive church was this fabulous park which we enjoyed for at least two hours. It was huge! The boys agreed that it was the best park they have ever been to and had a terrific time. Darin and I enjoyed the opportunity to talk apart from their listening ears and watch them having such a good time together.

 In the playground area, there were 3 big playing structures and two areas with exercise equipment. The floor was covered with squishy, soft tiles around each area.

 Our little gymnasts enjoyed practicing some gymnastic skills. 
And of course, the playground had rules which we could not read. 
Aaron decided we could make up our own rules. 
However, the security guard watching the playground would certainly not allow for that!

 We had a really nice day together. I have to admit that the most challenging part is when we are back in the hotel. Even after all the exercise and fresh air, they are still so loud and silly in the room.  So pray for my patience. Pray also that I will have appropriate expectations for their behavior, rather then becoming grumpy.

Tomorrow will be a big test of endurance for the boys as well. We'll be up early and out the door by 7am to head to Irina's orphanage. We will pick up Irina and head to court by 10:00am (3:00am your time). Pray for all the details of our day to fall into place. We can't wait to see Irina and for the boys to be reunited with her. After court, I am pretty sure we will be running around completing paperwork. (so more patience for the boys and us) Can't wait to post pictures of the 6 of us tomorrow!!!!! Let's hope I have internet access at our next living space. (We'll be in an apartment in Donetsk.) Thank you for praying.


  1. You've been on my mind and in my prayers so much! I am so excited that you will all be together soon! Praying!

  2. YEA!!!! LOVE seeing this treat of just free play and fresh air today...for all of you:) I'm counting on being up at 3am on my end as you step into court and reunite with Irina:) !!! love and excitement! c
