Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Love IS NOT a feeling. Love IS an action.

YES! I think that's what I was trying to get at with my post earlier in the week. Sometimes love "feels" hard and beyond what I'm capable of. If I choose to only show love when I "feel" like it then I suspect I would miss out on a lot.

This is a shift in thinking for me. Or maybe just a reminder of things I've learned, but forgotten? I often have to ACT on love before I feel it.... again and again and again. It's not easy. I mess up far too many times, but I'm hopeful that over time the feelings will follow the actions. A dear friend shared a neat article with me today entitled "When You Don't Feel the Love" seen HERE. This is a little excerpt
There is a way to love and that’s following The Way and how He loved. 
I don’t know if Jesus felt love for the people who failed Him and treated Him horrifically, but we do have a glimpse into how He demonstrated His love —
“. . . but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” {Romans 5:8}

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