Monday, November 3, 2014

Train Day

Last Saturday afternoon, I took the kids to "Train Day" in a nearby town. Darin stayed home and continued to work on a shoe/coat closet redo that he is almost done with. Hooray! (So thankful for a handy husband. Maybe I'll post pictures soon?)

It was COLD, rainy, and windy. Not the ideal conditions, but it reminded me of some days in Ukraine last fall so that warmed my heart. The kids had fleece jackets and rain coats and were still freezing, but very happy!
 We rode the Trolley shuttle from a nearby parking lot to the center of town. 
 We walked around town to many different train displays and the kids indulged my need for pictures. 
 The next two pictures will demonstrate what a good sport both Luke and Ethan are. They had NO interest in having their picture taken with these bears. Irina urged them to be in the picture and they came willingly. She has such a youthful spirit and truly enjoys simple things. They are good big brothers.
 Both Irina and Aaron wanted to ride on this little train. Again, Luke and Ethan were not so interested. 
But, the "bookends" (I & A) begged them to come... so they went. 

 Train tracks run through the center of town and all day there were MANY trains to watch rumble down the track. 
Aaron and Irina blew their train whistles loudly as the trains passed. 
 When we FINALLY got to the lego train display, Luke was in heaven! He pulled out his camera and began taking pictures of all the lego creations so he can duplicate them at home. The guy on the left is the "Master Builder." I think he is college age (?). He told us it took him 5 hours to assemble his lego scene.

We had a great afternoon together despite the weather. Yeah!

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