Friday, November 14, 2014

Sort it out

I've mentioned before that we have a room in our house that is primarily used for playing with legos. We call it "The Lego Room." It stays locked each day until school work is completed. Although, they are pretty handy with a paper clip and have been known to break in if they are looking for a certain piece in the morning. ;)

We still have rest time each day when they get a turn to be in the lego room. (Yes, I have a spreadsheet of whose turn it is in the lego room each day so we don't forget.) For my sanity, I need QUIET for one hour each day. That is all I get until they are in bed asleep. Frankly, I also think it is good for them to play apart from each other because they always choose to be together the rest of the day.

Luke used to store his big sets and scenes in the lego room, but unfortunately siblings were not treating them as carefully as he would like. Over time, the room consistently began to look like this. Legos scattered everywhere, lonely socks left behind, instruction manuals thrown here or there, or maybe even used tissues crumpled under legos. gross!
I just had to let it go. There were too many other battles to face. 
(Their bedrooms, the bathrooms, the school room, family room, etc.)
Every day I would intend to tackle it (with them) to get it in order, 
but gave in to their desires for outdoor play in the afternoon instead. 
Sorting legos is sedentary. :) 
But then I had a gracious offer to help get the ball rolling. 
She would like to remain nameless, but you can see her socks in the right corner. 
If you turn the word WOW upside down, you'll know who she is. :)

After hours of sorting, here is our never decorated lego room. 
Someday, I'd love to repaint, decorate and make it fun. 
But who has time for painting now??

And yes, I know there are all sorts of snazzy ways to organize legos on pinterest. 
For now, these cheap bins will fit the bill until decorating becomes a priority. 
It's much easier to keep the room clean if we work at each day. 
Thanks mystery helper for all your inspiration and hard work!!!

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