Saturday, June 7, 2014

6 Months Home

Last week, we celebrated being home from Ukraine with Irina for 6 months. Half a year! That is unbelievable to me. In some ways, it feels like the longest 6 months of my life. In others ways, it has been a blink of an eye and I can't clearly remember what life was like with only 3 kids. Well, that's not entirely true... there was less laundry, less messy rooms, less groceries, less tears (on my part!), but so much less JOY without our Irina!
First reunion with the boys at the orphanage in November 2013
I had it in my head last week that I'd carve out the time to detail (and remind myself!) all the ways she has grown in 6 months. Perhaps even take the time to contemplate the ways our whole family has been changed. With school winding down, end of year testing, schooling decisions to be made, homeschool conventions to attend and all the other things that make up our crazy life, I've chosen sleep over reflective blogging. (And I'm not talking about indulgent sleep... six hours seems to be my maximum these days.)
The day she officially became our daughter and saying good bye to her orphanage.
Pictures don't seem to be enough to describe the change. They only show the outward changes (which there are many--- she is growing like a weed!!!). However, the pictures don't fully capture the ways Irina is growing on the inside - the most important changes.
6 months later... settled in to being one of four siblings
They don't capture the growth in her heart towards accepting love. The pictures don't capture the ways she is learning to be a part of a family. The pictures don't capture the ways we are figuring out how to love one another. Pictures don't capture her generous and thankful heart.
This lovely lady, gave me this letter on Friday. I think it is a keeper. 
Her english is coming along, but let me translate for you:
"Thank you that you my Mother. Thank you Mommy for pool. 
Mommy for school you nice teacher math.
Thank you for you for me Virginia. Thank you you 
love me. Thank you Mommy for watch. Thank you Mommy
beach nice. You for me Mother and for me nice Father.
Mommy thank you for me lego my birthday. 
Mommy thank you for me nice dinner.
Love, Irina"

Thank you God for helping me to endure these last 6 months. You know they haven't always been pretty. Thank you for showing me I can rely on you in my weakness. You are my strength! Thank you for creating this beautiful girl and for the work you are doing in her heart. Lord, give us all contentment, patience and joy that can only come from you. Amen

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