Friday, January 24, 2014


I have to say that I'm not very good at "playing." Ever since the boys were little, it has taken effort for me to forget about my "to do" list and engage them in play. Before Irina, we had settled in a good rhythm of the boys playing together (they can be great playmates!) with the occasional playing with Mommy. However, ever since Irina has joined our family I have been doing a lot of playing. We play lots of card games, color, do crafts, play soccer, ride bikes, ride scooters, take walks, etc. It is non stop fun around here! Ha! ;) On one hand, it has been really refreshing for all of us. On the other hand, this type A introverted Momma is worn out. 
And then we had our second round of snow for the year. It was only 2 inches and very dry snow, but they love it! And they actually played outside without me for over an hour. Hallelujah! They didn't seem to be phased by the low temperatures. (20 degrees and colder with wind chill)
Can you see how desperate we are to sled? Notice the icy board they propped up 
on the steps to the deck to enhance their sledding "hill." The ground was so cold 
and icy that they made it all the way across the yard. 
 I'm not even sure what I did alone in the house for an hour, but it was just what I needed! 
Do you see that Luke's sled is not really a full sled but just the remnants of a sled? It doesn't matter. They were having a great time!
"Irina LOVE snow. Irina pray Jesus. Snow. Thank you Jesus," said Irina.
Yes. Thank you Jesus.

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