Friday, January 10, 2014

Halva and Sweetness

We took a trip to the European Deli in town. 

We walked through the aisles and I pointed out food that I recognized from Ukraine. The storekeeper is from Ukraine and I asked her to ask Irina to choose a few things that she liked to eat in Ukraine. She chose 4 lollipops (one for her and each of the boys) and halva.

The halva is very interesting. It's definitely a sweet snack and Irina was very excited about it. It's made from sunflower seeds, caramel and vanilla. You can read more about it HERE.  It's a little bit like a peanut butter, but drier and sweeter. 
It's not spreadable. The boys don't like it at all, but Irina does.

The one other thing that Irina wanted to buy was a card for my birthday (which is coming up in February). 
She looked and looked through the cards and settled on this one:
It says, "Congratulations!" :) A very sweet thoughtful idea!!!
She was drawn in by the sparkly flowers. 

1 comment:

  1. The Congratulations card made me laugh! "Congratulations! You now have a daughter and no longer sleep!" :)
    I love reading your blog. Every few days I catch up with you and pray for you. You are faithfully seeking Him! He is with you every step! lv RP
