Tuesday, October 6, 2015


A wise woman has challenged me recently to think about my personal interests, hobbies, and self-care. In the midst of parenting, home schooling, and a busy life I haven't figured out how to make time for hobbies. Maybe I've even lost a little bit of me? I've actually wondered if it is self-indulgent to make time for hobbies when my family has so many needs. I haven't figured out the right way to think about it. I'm praying and trying to discover what that looks like in a healthy way.

As I sat to make a list of hobbies that re-energize me I wasn't surprised to learn that they are all individual and more introverted. Reading, sewing, knitting (would love to re-learn this! who wants to teach me?), blogging, singing/music, running, flower arranging, some kind of artistic endeavors...

A couple weeks ago, I indulged myself. I put aside my other tasks and chores (as well as a decent bedtime) and did a little sewing. It was such good therapy. The colors, the textures, the cooperative sewing machine, the joy of gift giving... Thank you, Lord, for this sewing time in the middle of a busy week and a traveling husband.
 A ribbon blanket for a sweet baby boy! His delight over the tags made me smile. 

What are your hobbies? How do you make time for them? 

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