Thursday, March 12, 2015

These Kids

It's that time a year where we stop and assess our schooling choices for the kids. There is usually lots of discussion, prayer, analyzing, prayer, thinking, and prayer.
We don't make the choice to homeschool lightly. We don't do it out of some superiority complex. We don't choose to homeschool out of fear of the world. Each year, we have felt God's clear answer to our many questions/prayers is to continue homeschooling. It is where He has led us.
This year, there is no clear answer yet. It has been a hard year and we must really consider our options. We're exploring keeping some at home and enrolling others elsewhere full time. It will be a difficult decision. We are trusting that God will lead us to the answer that is best for our family.
In the meantime, it has struck me lately how unique and special the bond is between all four kids. I've said it before and I'll say it again. It is as if Irina has always been here. They especially like playing dolls with her! Shh... don't tell them I told you. :) I think being home has fostered their bond.
Oh... they have their sibling squabbles. Believe me they do! Fists and tears and screaming are a somewhat regular occurrence. But somehow, we work through that and then they are like magnets. They can't resist the force pulling them together. Even though they are all so different in personality and interests they have this amazing way of playing together. (games, puzzles, legos, outdoor games, pretend play, etc.) No matter what we decide for school next year, I hope and pray that they always work to maintain their friendships long into their old age. Can you imagine what family reunions will look like in 20 years if they do?

1 comment:

  1. praying with you, friend!! {and my kids LOVE each other like crazy even though some are in school!}
