Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Just a little excited...

I definitely don't have time for blogging today and it is not a priority, but I've been silent too long. This is going to be a quick one. We're still alive!

Irina starts in a YMCA soccer league TOMORROW and she is just a little excited. Okay, maybe that is an understatement. She is THRILLED!!! She got her uniform last Thursday and of course she immediately put it on. "Please you take picture of me Mommy?"
She's never played a team sport. She has very limited understanding of the game of soccer. (We're working on that!). I'm a little worried for her. However, I know she is determined, competitive, and a wee bit feisty. She keeps up with the boys, doesn't she? Yes she does!
The boys have never played soccer either, but you know they are "experts" coaching her in the yard. Ha! 
They pulled out these books and have been trying to teach her. It's sweet. 
They've been having her practice kicks, dribbling around cones, 
and other soccer drills from the books. Her first game is on Saturday. 
She knows two girls on her team and the coach is a friend of ours. 
It's a recipe for learning and lots of fun. Do you think she'll smile the whole game? :)

Not to mention that her 12th birthday is quickly approaching in 10 days with a "simple" birthday party to celebrate this Sunday. All that combined makes for an overly emotional pre-teen AND Mommy. Oh my! (Take a guess... do I know how to keep birthday celebrations simple? I'm trying...but ACK! She's missed out on birthday celebrations for 10 years. Oh dear.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh so so happy for her. She is growing into a beautiful young woman. So excited for your family.
