Thursday, June 4, 2015

Four Days In

We are four days into our summer break and today nearly killed me! HOWEVER, thankfully the day ended on a positive note and the big picture is that the first three days had some great moments.

Let's start with the GOOD. I've been relaxed at times. Ha! Who knew it was possible? :) We've played game after game of Dutch Blitz together. We've laughed. We've had tickle fights. The kids have been going crazy with puzzles. We've cleaned out some drawers and done some cleaning (just a little bit).  Luke is speed reading through any book he can get his hands on. It is so re-energizing for me to take a break from the nightly lesson planning and school set-up. ahhh!
Puzzles on the dining room table. Their goal is to completely cover it. 

The not so good is that we've been plagued with evening storms interfering with our swim team practices and planned pool visits. Wednesday and today were rainy nearly all day with chilly temperatures for June. Due to a germy boy, we had to cancel our fun plans today and I neglected to establish more structure. Silly Mommy.

Too much free play time + 2 full rainy days = sibling conflict and lots of fighting! 

My nerves were shot by noon. After some enforced playtime apart and some extra chores, 
we went to the pool for swim team practice. These kids needed some exercise and fresh air! 
While the big kids were practicing, Aaron was VERY happy shooting hoops all by himself. 

 It was raining and 63 degrees. Do you see the coach and lifeguard in the far right of the picture above? They are bundled with rain coats. Thankfully, the rain stopped. So proud of Luke, Ethan, and Irina. Not one of them questioned my decision. They jumped in eagerly and swam their laps with the team. They were numb when they got out an hour later, but a hot shower solved that.
Ethan dove off the diving block for the first time like a champ!
Irina has had so many new swimming skills thrown at her and she has stuck with it. 
I am proud of her determination and her joyful demeanor has endeared her to the coaches. 
She went to sleep with a big smile on her face tonight. 
(Ashley - she LOVES the cozy pool cover up. Perfect for a chilly day like today. Thank you!!)

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