Wednesday, May 13, 2015

This Kid

I can hardly believe that this kid turned 11 this weekend. (Don't you love his "11" shirt? -- a gift from our friends. Roman Numerals make this math geek happy!) There is no question that I love all four kids, but I have a unique relationship with each of them. Despite the fact the Irina is officially older then Luke, Luke will always be the kid that made me a mom. 
What better then to celebrate his birthday on Mother's Day! 

We went round and round trying to figure out what to do for his birthday party. His party last year wore us out and introverted Luke wanted something simple. He finally decided he wanted to invite only 2 of our long time family friends, have an ice cream buffet, and play games. So we did last Friday!

Luke planned out the toppings, cleaned to get ready, and set the table. It could not have been easier for me. I was so touched by his helpfulness. (All without being asked... I was busy working on school work with his siblings.)
This is a throw back photo to 2008. These two girls have been in Smith photos for as long as I can remember. The friendships the kids have are precious, kind, and comfortable. There doesn't seem to be an issue with "boys are gross" or "girls are yucky." I would say they are like siblings, but they don't seem to pester each other quite the way siblings can. And now that Irina joined the family, she has two girl friends who love her and show her much kindness and understanding. 

Dutch Blitz - Our new favorite card game! Luke remarked at the end of the day, 
"This was my favorite birthday party ever." He was truly grinning from ear to ear. 
Irina was delighted to see her friend show up in a matching outfit.
Wish I thought to take the group photo before they were disheveled from backyard soccer. ;)
Finally Sunday morning it was Luke's birthday! I enjoy making them a special birthday breakfast and Luke requested cinnamon rolls, sausage, and fruit. He sure was happy to get home from church to open his gifts from me and Darin. 
(He opened his gifts from his siblings before church.)

He asked me to surprise him with a non-cake birthday dessert. 
Fruit pie hit the spot!

When we got to drum lessons on Tuesday, he was so excited to see this sign below! How cool is that?!
Luke's birthday seemed to last for at least 5 days and we still have left over ice cream. 
(I've got to get that out of my house!!!) During these five days it has been so obvious to me the positive character traits that are growing in my dear boy. Thank you Jesus! My heart skipped a beat as he rejoiced over a new devotional and Bible. Nearly as excited about that as he was a new lego set?!?! He has demonstrated such gratitude and maturity surrounding his birthday and I need to soak it in. I know the middle school years are fast approaching and we could be in for some murky waters. Oh don't worry... he's got weak spots like the rest of us, but I must savor the glimpses at this inner JOY and sweetness. So honored to be Luke's mom. What a privilege! Happy birthday Luke!


  1. ok. totally tearing up here. these boys growing into young men just GETS ME! i loved this post. wish our boys could play together!

  2. I love that you are seeing fruit in Luke! And sounds like his celebration suited him perfectly. Nice job, mama!
