Friday, August 1, 2014

Young at Heart

It's times like this that I appreciate that Irina is much younger then her years. We found a new splash park today and they all loved it. It didn't matter that it was definitely geared for younger kids and that Irina was by far the oldest girl. The other girls I saw were 4 and younger, but Irina fit right in.
Does this stunt surprise you? Not me! :)

There was a fun playground too. The slides moved super fast with wet suits. They all had a great time playing together. What a relief from the earlier sibling conflict where they were chasing each other angrily with rocks and sticks!! Do your boys do that too? They are the best of friends and the worst of enemies all within a short time period. 

1 comment:

  1. Jill, where is this? We would like to go there.
