Thursday, June 12, 2014

Joyful Heart vs. Crushed Spirit

Sadly, these five words have been very characteristic of my demeanor for the past several months and I don't like it one bit: sour, frowning, short-tempered, tired, and impatient. Nothing terrible is going on and I don't want to sound like a broken record, but the transition to six has revealed more of my weeds then I'd like to admit. Irina and the boys are flourishing. I am weary and self-focused. 

And then, out of the blue a thankful heart snuck up on me today. Someone must be praying! Amen!

1) We have completed 98% of our school curriculum and are preparing for a short break before a relaxed summer schedule. Hallelujah! During our relaxed summer schedule, one boy will finish his last 5 days of math, one boy will finish his last spelling lessons and one girl will continue to play catch up to her grade level. Oh what a relief to have a break from nightly school preparations. I am thankful for this short respite. Perhaps that means earlier bedtimes for me? or maybe time for some fun sewing projects?

2) We began Stanford testing today. I am thankful for Luke's cheerful, confident attitude! He told Darin tonight, "I can't wait to finish it up tomorrow. It was fun." Thank you, Jesus. One almost done, three more to test. 

3) Today was the first day that Irina had a sitter who was not family. She did great! This is great progress! Maybe a date night is in our future? 

4) Darin was unexpectedly up early to help me make the kids a hearty breakfast so we could get out the door for our testing on time. I know all you public school folks are pros at getting out the door early, but we do not have practice. I was so encouraged by this unexpected blessing from my husband. (And so thankful to find a tidy kitchen when we returned from testing!) 

5) At the homeschool convention this past weekend, I picked up a book that I am loving. "Homeschool Supermom...Not! When Grace Meets Homeschooling" by Susan Kemmerer.  I also purchased the companion Bible Study and Prayer Journal. I am so thankful for this honest, scripture drenched book that is challenging and encouraging my heart. 

6) Irina sleep update: After four months of relocating to our room to sleep every night due to bad dreams, Irina finally started sleeping in her room all night in April. We've had a few set backs, but her scary dreams have mostly dissipated. Thank you, Jesus! She sleeps with a light on and music playing all night, but she stays in bed. It's still necessary to sit in her room until she falls asleep every night, but she's usually asleep by 9pm. Tonight, she disappeared into her room and was asleep by 8pm. All by herself!?! I can hardly believe it and I'm thankful for the break-- even if it's just for one night. 

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22
Thank you Jesus for a joyful heart that can only come from You! 

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